Aparigraha On The Mat
Aparigraha on the mat.
Aparigraha on the mat. Aparigraha the art of detachment. I held on to that idea about dancer s so tight which was of course reflected in my experience of the posture. We begin to practice this on the mat. We hear it mentioned in yoga classes occasionally and with minimalist lifestyle trending we often morph these two ideas into one.
Material stuff but also mental stuff like ideas attachments i hold to thoughts of how things should go and what the outcome should be. Often halfway through though something happens. We may all walk into our yoga class looking forward to practicing setting our intention and ready to move and breathe our way towards a more peaceful mind. Use asana mantra and mudra to help bring into focus the unique ways this yama plays out in your life.
Don t consider whether or not your heels reach the mat in downdog or if you can do the full bind in extended side angle today. I ll be honest i have moments of āsana envy. Foster aparigraha non grasping on the mat. Aparigraha or non attachment is the fifth yama in the eight limbs of yoga and is also one of the most misunderstood concepts in yoga philosophy.
I ll admit it being able to lift up gracefully into peacock pose pincha mayurāsana seems like a distant dream for. But if we trust the breath to leave us we are rewarded with more life force. May 23 2017 original. Aparigraha also applies on our yoga mat for years whenever it came to do dancer s pose in a bikram class i would think oh god i hate this pose.
Aparigraha on the mat. Leave comparison at the door. Aparigraha on the mat. If we hold onto the breath too long its nourishing qualities turn toxic.
When we allow ourselves the space for acceptance compassion and gratitude on the mat the practice facilitates a much deeper unfolding than any arm balance will provide. Let your practice be your practice. The things that have come to mind these past few weeks that really had me pondering some of the choices we make in life were largely around what stuff means to me. We honor our bodies and where we are at.
Move through the asanas your teacher suggests with no attachment to the outcome. Moments of wishing i could do some of the advanced poses on instagram facebook yoga youtube videos or whatever your social media of choice is. It is here on our mat with our breath that we begin to witness the lesson of aparigraha. Aparigraha is an invitation to let go of our ego driven craving.